Monday, March 31, 2014

The Remainder of the Information for the State and County Delegates concerning Candidates running for office 2014

2014 COUNTY DELEGATES will vote on these offices

County Assessor

Kris W Poulson
"To fund local services, schools, law enforcement, etc., our community has chosen property taxation.  As a public servant, I am responsible for maintaining valuations as impartially and fairly as possible."
-Kris Poulson

(Kris Pouslon is unchallenged in this race.)

County Attorney 

Jeffrey R Buhman

I will continue to personally prosecute cases.  A county attorney must personally prosecute cases in order to know what is going on in his office and in the community.  A prosecutor not in court is a prosecutor out of touch.  I will stop the revolving door of justice.  Habitual offenders go onto our "Persona Non Grata" list, meaning they will get no plea bargain allowing them to continue to victimize our community.  I will respect the inherent authority of the office and will not use office power or resources for anything other than the prosecution of crime and the legal representation of the county.  I will ensure the Utah County Attorney's Office has the most ethical and professional attorneys and investigators in the State of Utah.

Ben Stanley
At the urging of great people and influential groups across this county, I entered the race for Utah County Attorney to champion better results, more thoughtful and principled consideration of cases, and a focus on meeting the needs of the public. I ask for your vote for the Republican nomination. Ben's support across Utah County comes from his simple and sincere message that government should serve the people. He is that rare figure who means what he says and fights for it in office despite political and other pressures to do differently, bringing unmatched private sector experience and judgment to occasional public positions.

County Clerk/Auditor

Bryan Thompson
I firmly believe that the office the Clerk/Auditor is best served by an elected official who is independent, promotes individual responsibility, and above all will exercise due diligence in all pertinent matters. I have always reminded myself that in my position as the Utah County Clerk/ Auditor I have a responsibility to safeguard the funds and resources we have been entrusted by the citizens of Utah County. I will always strive to keep my focus where it should be; serving and representing the good people of Utah County.
As the second largest county in the state, with a Republican super-majority, I believe Utah County should be the model for efficient elections and fiscal accountability.  Jacob has experience in business management, accounting, personal and corporate taxes, private consulting, teaching and audit. He has served as Chair of the Family First Federal Credit Union Audit Committee. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Strawberry High Line Canal Company and is a member of the Payson Economic Development Advisory Committee. Jacob is a Certified Public Accountant and the Director of Internal Audit at Utah Valley University.

County Recorder

Jeffery Dean Smith
Experience and leadership matters, especially in the County where I have worked for 24 years and was elected as the County Recorder in 2010. The public, land surveyors, city departments, and title companies have come to enjoy and expect the expertise and meticulous skills of our friendly staff.  Our office is, and always has been, a model for other counties as they develop, create and maintain their parcel indexes.  Our office has been working to expand the amount of information online.  Last year I contracted with Family Search to film our historical documentation for inclusion on our new website.  This is a huge ongoing project with a target completion date of later this year.  Our cutting edge website is one of the only free sites for counties that have their information online.  I have fought tirelessly to keep it free and would like it to continue to be free of charge.  I hope to earn your continued confidence and support.
“I love the people of Utah County and want to serve you! I will bring my experience and education to bear by eliminating wasteful spending, increasing efficiencies, and making the Recorder’s Office a beacon of best practices statewide and nationwide once again.” I will work hard to protect your tax dollars! We still draw maps digitally and then hand draw copies on mylar and paper.  We can save time and resources going fully digital as Salt Lake and many other counties have. Re-institute monthly staff meetings to train and coordinate as a team. Create an appointment process that allows better efficiency and productivity and better serves the public. Use industry best practices like OCR software to be more efficient. Train and work with other county Recorders to ensure we are leaders in accuracy and efficiency.

County Sheriff

James O Tracy
(Sheriff Tracey is unchallenged in this election.)

County Surveyor

Gary Ratcliffe

I believe it is important for the Surveyor to be accountable to the people because we do many things that can affect the people of this great county. The Utah County Surveyor's race may not be the hottest race this campaign season, but the Surveyor actually plays a very important role in property rights.  I'm passionate about it because in short, what the surveyor does protects your property rights.  I am always trying to find ways of doing more with less because I know how hard the citizens of Utah County work to earn each dollar that funds the Surveyor's office.

(Gary Ratcliffe is unchallenged in this race.)

County Treasurer 

Kim Jackson
"I support the Republican Party Platform which states, "We demand honesty, integrity, morality and accountability of our public officials.  I demand these qualities in myself and will demand nothing less of Treasurer's office staff.   My professional credentials and many years of work experience with several businesses in Utah County will bring fresh vision and know how to the Treasurer's Office."

Cary R McConnell
My experience in the Treasurer’s Office is of utmost importance in this race. My experience will greatly benefit you, the taxpayers of Utah County. I have served for the past two years as the Utah County Assistant Treasurer. Prior to that, I served as the Tax Administrator in the Utah County Auditor’s Office for 13 years.  I believe this specialized experience sets me apart as the most qualified candidate for County Treasurer. I humbly ask for your support.

Just in case any of our delegates are interested Jacob Atkin has a link on his website to the debates for the following county offices:  Utah County Clerk/Auditor, Utah County Attorney, Utah County Recorder, and Utah County Treasurer.
His website is and the link to the debates is on the far right of the header.

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